Bute Horticultural Centre

A new-build horticultural training centre



Bute Horticulture Centre | Isle of Bute
Bute Produce

Bute Produce operates an existing bio-diverse garden which provides many opportunities for learners of all ages to engage with nature. The vision for this new produce horticultural training centre was to provide employability and horticultural training, primarily targeted at people with a range of barriers to gaining employment.

The design of the new centre creates a new landscape design for growing gardens, orchards and demonstration areas. Two dominant garden walls are positioned east-west providing south-facing thermal mass from which to support plant growth whilst also creating an enclosure to shelter public buildings and outside spaces from prevailing winds which hit this exposed site.

The architectural language is informed by Victorian kitchen garden construction methods, orientation and principles of light, ventilation and shade. A glass vinery delicately leans against the first wall, providing cafe, commercial training kitchens and produce shop. Counter to this, a workshop/bothy is tucked beneath the north face of the second wall and is 'closed' and protected in its fenestration and use of solid materials.


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