The Midge Net
Remodelling and expansion of a crucial community space
The Midge Net | Glendaruel
Colintraive & Glendaruel Development Trust
The building is conceived as five components:
The landscape
A green roof rising from the landscape which creates a high-level viewing platform to observe the shinty game, increasing biodiversity and reducing the visual impact of the building.
The skin
A charred timber clad element which envelopes the building and extents to provide a protective edge to the viewing platform.
The glass wedge
Creates 270 degree views of the landscape and permits light deep into the plan.
The midge net
Provides a protective screen for both the Scottish Midge and stray shinty balls.
The Tent
A tensile structure which spans between the main building and ancillary stores and toilets, forming a covered south facing picnic terrace adjacent to the children’s play park.
The project involved a prolonged, strategic townscape analysis and detailed site selection study to establish the most suitable site for the proposed development. A total of 6 rural sites were considered and scored for characteristics such as: biodiversity; archaeology; services; ease of access and construction; relationship to existing amenity, pedestrian and vehicular routes and landscape visual impact.