Trotters Building

A community reuse/remake hub and community spaces



Trotters Building | New Cumnock
New Cumnock Development Trust

INCH Architecture worked closely with the New Cumnock Development Trust, developing the brief for the next reincarnation of the currently derelict Trotters Building. Working alongside PRSEbiz and Remade Network, the brief was developed for a re-use hub as the anchor function for this community space.

The Trotters Building is one of the few remaining historic buildings in the surrounding area, with the proposals re-activating the derelict building with careful care and repair.

The project, a re-interpretation of the community shop which previously occupied the building, includes a ‘remakery’ for the repair, re-use and re-purposing of textiles, furniture, electronics, household items, co-working / community space containing hot desk and community meeting spaces, community café/coffee stop and space for sale of local and other produce. INCH have sensitively retained and conserved the existing structure,  while fully retrofitting the interior fabric and infrastructure, drastically improving the building energy efficiency to a similar standard to newbuild  and providing for future flexibility. 


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