Tree Club

A strategic brief for an afterschool and respite care centre for children with learning disabilities



In July 2013, INCH were appointed to undertake an options appraisal and feasibility study for a Scottish Charity, specialising in providing creative, playful activities for young people with severe learning disabilities. The project - to design a newbuild respite, hydrotherapy & creative campus for after school hours led the INCH studio towards a new direction in design methodology. Without site, nor the parameters which come with a site, we set about establishing a series of design principles.

The principles were developed over a period of 12 months informed by Client and User workshops, site visits, day trips and outdoor adventure experiences. The principles are conceived as an enhanced strategic brief, from which our Client could later refer once a site was secured.

The result is a pop-up book (enjoyed by Client and User) which outlines the key design principles, accommodation, spatial relationships and aspirations of the group. Throughout the book we explore the recurring theme of passive supervision and the importance of creating a safe environment enjoyed without the perception of constructed or applied security mechanisms.

“This is a funnel. A funnel to filter stimuli. A funnel to lead to play...”


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