Knightswood Intergenerational Space
A new intergenerational shared space
Knightswood Community Intergenerational Shared Space | Knightswood
Knightswood Community SCIO
Knightswood Community SCIO appointed INCH to lead the research, consultation and design process for a feasibility study into the concept and provision of an intergenerational shared space (IGSS) within the former Knightswood swimming pool site. The review of recent literature into IGSS was undertaken and informed the stakeholder consultations and design execution.
In this design Intergenerational spaces provide more than enabling multigenerational activities to co-exist in one space, here INCH provide 'contact zones' (Thang, 2015) which accommodate and foster extra familial, cross-generational engagement, activity and interaction, conducive to enabling interaction across different age groups.
Accommodation comprises of pop-up spaces, technical zones, 'shop-front' areas and organised group event spaces. The existing concrete frame of the swimming pool and its depth are retained to house key spaces and a new colonnade is formed, mimicking the structural design of the concrete frame but also creating a new arrival sequence and expressive public entrance to the new IGSS and adjacent, existing library.